Host a Trip!

Fill out the Trip Planning Questionnaire now to let us know you want to host a trip!

Host FAQs

How do I host a trip?

Reach out to us at and let us know you would like to host a trip. We will get back to you ASAP, and will discuss hosting a trip!

To get a head start, fill out this Trip Planning Questionnaire!

Are my trip costs covered?

Yes! We aim to cover as much of your trip costs as we can. This will include a flight stipend and all the costs covered for guests (accommodation, activities, food, transport).

How much can I make?

We are excited to use a profits based compensation model in place of a revenue based model used by most of our competitors. In doing so, we are able to offer you a higher compensation with greater price flexibility.

Margins and estimated profits will be fully transparent to you during the planning process.

The compensation will increase as the number of booked guests increase, rewarding you exponentially for the trip's success.

The compensation generally varies depending on several factors such as destination, price point, number of guests, etc. With that said, your compensation would range between $3,500 to $20,000+ USD.

The average compensation for a trip with:
8 guests is $4,150 USD
14 guests is $9,590 USD
20 guests is $12,750 USD

*These are estimated earnings based on average host compensation across all of our trips.

How is the trip planning process?

The trip planning process begins with you filling out the questionnaire about some of the basic information we need about the trip you wish to host.

One of our trip managers will then reach out to you to begin trip planning and look over the hosting agreement. You, and your trip manager, will discuss the specifics of your trip so we can get to crafting the itinerary.

At this point, you may use an audience poll to see where your audience would most like to go and what their budget would be.

With all this information, your trip manager will craft some sample itineraries for you and send them over for you to choose or edit.

Once we have selected a final itinerary, price point, and trip date, we will send you the trip website page and proceed to make the trip public!

Minimum Guests Count

We do require a minimum number of booked guests in order to confirm the trip. This is in order to ensure all costs can be covered, and that the trip will be profitable.

Minimum guest count ranges from 6 to 10 guests, depending on the destination and price point.

If you are bringing a plus 1 to join you on the trip, and request that their costs be covered as well, we will have a higher minimum guest requirement.

Can I bring a plus 1?

Yes! You are always invited to bring a plus 1. If you will be covering the plus 1's trip costs, the minimum guest count will not change.

If you request that we cover your plus 1's trip costs, we are more than happy to do so, however the minimum guest count may increase.

Are the trips budget friendly?

Absolutely! Your trip is fully customizable. If you wish to stay in hostels or other budget accommodations, we are happy to do so and minimize the price of the trip.

On the flip side, if you wish to make a premium or luxury trip, we can do that as well.

How far ahead do we plan the trip?

We look to have a trip public and selling at least 8 months before the trip date.

Will I have help hosting?

100%. Throughout the entire process, your trip manager will be a text away. On the trip itself, you will have a local tour guide, a hired driver, and a company host (as necessary).